I'm about to get real with you guys.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I know you all have seen me posting about Beachbody and Shakeology. Some of you may think "oh she's just trying to make money" or "what a joke", but the truth is I'm trying to change lives.

A few months ago I was in a really dark place. I was eating crap and not getting any exercise. I needed to make a change and fast. Not taking care of myself was affecting more then just the way my clothes fit and the number on the scale. I was miserable and it was affecting all of my relationships and my mental health. 

My friend Amanda had been posting a lot about Beachbody and challenge groups and her own success with the programs. So I figured, what do I have to lose? I have to admit, when I started the challenge I had my doubts. It seemed kind of cheesy and I wasn't sure if I had the time to actually keep up with it. The other issue was money. I didn't think I could afford it. Again, I knew it was now or never and I figured if I was going to drop money on anything then surely my health was worth it. Right? So I took the plunge, picked a program, a flavor of Shakeology and crossed my fingers. I had no idea what was in store for me. 

Now let's back it up for a minute. Some of you might look at me and say "Stacey, you are a small person and you always have been. Getting in shape wasn't hard for you." Ok, it's true that I'm small. I'm 5'2". What a lot of you don't know is that there was a point in my life when I weighed 30 lbs more then I do now. At 5'2" that's not cute, or healthy or easy to work off. It's been quite a while since I weighed that much but it hasn't been easy, or fun. Keeping myself in shape has always been a struggle for me. My weight has fluctuated A LOT throughout the years. I will have months where I'm great about it and will go to they gym 6 days a week. And then I'll get bored or busy or tired... and quit. That's when i start being unhealthy about the way I eat to try and lose the extra lbs. I remember taking diet pills in middle school. NOT OK. Name a cleanse, I've probably tried it. Not only are most cleanses unhealthy, they are only temporary fixes. 

Beachbody has changed ALL of that for me. I chose "TurboFire" as my program of choice with little info on what it really was. It turns out that what it is, is the best thing that has ever happened to my body. TurboFire may not be right for everyone but the great part is that Beachbody has TONS of other programs to chose from. There is something for everyone, for every lifestyle and lack of free time, for everyone with aches and pains and injuries, for every body type, level of agility, age and weight issue, for everyone with a small space to workout in, for anyone with young children and no babysitter and even for people who think they can't afford it! These are the excuses I used to use: I work long hours, have a very young child and my fiancĂ© travels a lot for work. Clearly I didn't have time to workout with all of these other things going on, right? WRONG. 

I have been a part of a challenge group for the past 44 days. Most nights I don't work out until 9 or 10 pm but I'm doing it and most of my workouts are less then 30 minutes long! I haven't missed a single day since I started. Why? Because I made a commitment to MYSELF from the first day. The first couple of weeks were really hard. But every day after that got easier and easier and pretty soon it became a habit. It became fun. It became something I LOOK FORWARD TOO! What?! Me? Look forward to working out? It used to be a chore. Well chore no more, my life has been changed! 

What started as an effort to get my butt back in shape has turned into me finding something I am passionate about. I have seen so many lives changed for the better in amazing ways through Beachbody and Shakeology I became a coach so that I could help my family and friends change their lives too. As cheesy as that is, it's the absolute truth. I have only been a coach for a few weeks but I have this feeling deep down in my heart that this is what I'm meant to do. I'm not in this for money. I want to inspire and I want to help every single one of you accomplish whatever goal you have. Are you with me? 

Let's do this!!!


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